A case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court today
will go a long way in resolving the question of whether we have finally become
a full-blown police state, or whether liberty has a chance of returning to the
default status intended by the Framers.
In Navarette
v. California, the question has been stated some places to be whether or
not the police can stop a suspected drunk driver on an anonymous tip without the
cops observing any suspicious or illegal driving conduct. That is, really, can we elevate hunches to
the status of reasonable suspicion if the subject matter is drunk driving,
where there are already legions of exceptions to constitutional and statutory
norms? The irony here is that Navarette
was not found to be a drunk driver.
The faceless finger-pointer claimed that he ran her
off the road, so the cops just stopped someone driving what looked like the vehicle
described, without observing any bad driving, and found marijuana! They didn’t find a drunk driver, which is
what all the hysterio-rhetoric is about, but instead a person possessing
marijuana. And that reveals the danger to
us all from the government position in this litigation, doesn’t it?
California has advanced a truly revolutionary
doctrine in constitutional discourse, however this revolution is not in the
direction of liberty but of power. They
want to introduce into constitutional litigation the notion of a sliding scale
of assessments, such that the more dangerous the crime, the less evidence
necessary to support the liberty infringement to investigate that crime. And, of course, drunk driving is sputtered to
be of the most dangerous kind of all! In
addition to the stock hyperboles prefacing cases where drunk driving is the subject, the Chief Justice,
distressed that cert. was denied in a previous, similar case [Virginia v. Harris], opined, in addition
to other grotesque overstatements, “Drunk driving is always dangerous, as it is
Really? By “drunk driving” do you mean a person
driving with .08% and above but competently, or a person weaving all over the
road, crashing into things, due to actual impairment by alcohol? If the latter, then the dictum is not wide of the mark, but if the former, the reactionary
chief resembles a Salem Witch Trial magistrate.
And if the latter, there would not need to be the rule proposed here,
because the offense would be manifest.
It is utterly false
that .08% alone signals dangerousness – it actually only signals political decisions
over the decades, which started here at .15% and went to .10% and then to .08% solely
because of political lobbyists’ efforts, not because of forensic science truths
[which, as we see from the recent and ominous Vangelder, are not welcome in California courts when they upset the
establishment view, a la Galileo v. Pope
Urban VII].
If the police are
allowed to subjectively claim that they suspect they are on the trail of a
drunk driver on lesser standards than any other crime, we can count on seeing
many more drunk driving investigations which “coincidentally” lead to other
than drunk driving crimes, as in Navarette. But I thought subjective beliefs of the cops
are irrelevant, in the wake of Scalia’s Whren
observations? Are we going to have yet another
drunk driving exception now, an exception to the subjective belief rule?
You see, the
vehicle [!] that is bringing this case is the subject of anonymous
finger-pointers, but the rule being sought has to do with a lessening of the quantum of evidence necessary for a
traffic stop, regardless of how it is conveyed, if the officer believes the
offense involved is of a certain nature.
Technically, if the courts really understood the relevant doctrines,
anonymous finger-pointers could not support a stop in court here anyway, because
that is hearsay, which might be admissible for suppression motions in the
federal sphere, but which is not admissible under some state standards,
including California’s [properly understood].
Here, there must be real “evidence” at the hearing, which would preclude
a cop testifying that someone told him x, y, and z, whether that someone is
known or anonymous. That clear rule, the
one of true evidence for suppression motions, appears to have gone by the
wayside in these discussions, further proving that we are only a “learned
profession” in pretense, not in practice.
It has long been
the law, and a necessary component of it, that the results of a liberty infringement
do not justify the nature of its inception.
What is being proposed here is a perverse twist on that rule – that the
nature of what the cops thought they would find in the stop does support the nature
of the initial liberty infringement, even if that thinking turned out to be factually
wrong. That is a most dangerous notion
finger-pointers might have many motives for snitching off people, probably the
least of which is a genuine, objective concern for traffic safety. The rule proposed by government here would
invite mischief by every angry boyfriend, disaffected former spouse, furious
employer or employee, cop who can’t get a search warrant, and various other
self-regarding sorts manufacturing horror stories to wreak harassment on
enemies. Lessening constitutional
standards to enable vengeful utilization of eager government powers to deprive
people of liberty not shown to be justified by what is actually observed by
government presses us ever closer to the abyss, into whose depths we are increasingly
in danger of tumbling. We peer into its
yawning depths, and it increasingly sneers back at us.
We were “conceived
in Liberty,” not in expansive power, and the Courts increasingly seek to abort
the fruits of that conception. Over my
dead Bar Card!