Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye has spoken at many attorney
gatherings imploring members of our profession to work and to speak to
build up the reputation and credibility of the judiciary. She has not
explained, however, why we should do so. What reputation? What
Framers envisioned the judiciary to be the one branch that could be
counted on to protect the rights of individuals from majoritarian
excesses, but it has increasingly sided with power against the
individual. As Dean Irwin Chemerinsky recently noted, echoing many of
my letters to the editor and radio presentations over the years, “when
the passions of the moment have led to laws that compromise basic
rights, the [U.S. Supreme] Court has failed to enforce the
Constitution.” E. Chemerinsky, The Case Against the Supreme Court 10
[Viking, 2014]. And then lesser courts learn their lesson from the
Supreme Court; they learn that liberty is no longer [and hasn't been for
decades] the ascendant value in this Republic.
regular citizen cannot walk into any state courthouse or courtroom and
sense that the functions there are to protect him or her from government
excesses. From the very beginning of the experience, where the regular
folk [who own the courthouse and are the sovereigns!] have to subject
themselves to demeaning searches and probings and snoopings just to get
into the building while their presumptive oppressors, the cops, walk in
and out without limitations or scrutiny, to the point of entering the
courtroom [where cops have been permitted to sit, and sometimes be
cheerfully greeted by the judge, while the polity stands outside, and
are sometimes sneered at by the judges], to the point of arraignment
[where some judges seem impatient and disgusted if the accused doesn't
want to plead guilty, and some even illegally demand pre-payment of
fines to obtain a constitutional right to court trial!], to the trial
[where things are grossly stacked against the accused], to sentencing
[where the system finger-waggingly tisk-tisks at people who have done
little different or worse than government agents do all the time], there
is no atmosphere of protection, understanding, concern for the hapless
individual. Judges never want to say anything harsh to their cop pals.
I have
won over 1000 Constitution-violating based motions in my many decades,
and many times the judge apologizes to the cop for having to rule the
way he did; but not once has a judge apologized to a defendant for the
fact that his constitutional rights were violated! Not once! My
clients have, of course, occasionally been scolded by the judge and been
reminded that the Constitution saved them. The cop has never been
scolded for the violation!
often hear the “Victim's Bill of Rights” bandied about as proof that the
system cares about the individual, but unless you are a victim who
wants the cops and prosecution aggressively to press forward [about
which they are eager, because there are grant moneys in the offing], you
are disregarded. If you tell a cop or DA that you do not want the
person prosecuted, the one whose actions made you a victim, they will
sneer and castigate and warn you that if you don't show up to press
forward, they will have you arrested and jailed! And they will and do.
And the judges allow and enable it.
Judges allow cops to lie to do their work, but Heaven Forbid if you or your attorney does.
concoct all sorts of exceptions to the warrant clause to excuse their
cop-friends for their violations of the Constitution. Judges are
constricting 4th and 5th Amendment rights on a daily basis, to the point
that those protections are a mere shadow of their former and intended
interesting and government leaning device that infects the system and
eviscerates liberty is the waiver/forfeiture doctrine, which is enforced
only one direction. If a defendant fails to bring up a point, he is
deemed to have waived or forfeited it. If a prosecutor fails to bring
up a point and you demand that he be deemed to have waived and forfeited
it, the judge will patronizingly lecture you that this is not a gotcha
game but an enterprise in which the Court is to do look at the legal
issues and decide the matter based on that, whether the other sife
brought it up or not! Huh? Why does that only run one way? The other
day, a DA failed to oppose my position, so I said they waived it and the
ruling needed to be in my direction. “Now, Mr. Kennedy; we have to
look at the legal issues and not get hobbled by such procedural
devices.” Oh, really?
I just had an appeals ruling where the DA agreed with me
that the motion ruling denial needed to be reversed and that I needed
to win, and so the outcome is clear, right? The parties are the dipolar
advocates, and the Court is to come down somewhere in between, right?
Uh…, not so fast. Despite the DA conceding the point, the Court
[neutral court?] would not decide the law of the matter, but instead
decided we have not raised the point quite enough, so despite the
government's concession, we lose – as does Liberty, as does the
the same appellate court, on an interlocutory appeal I brought against a
suppression motion denial wherein we had clearly and repeatedly pled
the warrantlessness nature of the drunk driving blood draw as the
liberty invasion about which we were complaining [to which the People
responded regarding the warrantlessness issue], the DA said in the
appeal that they didn’t understand that the issue was warrantlessness
[Huh?], so the appeals court reversed the denial with a ruling so opaque
that the trial judge asked for clarification [which they refused to
supply], but with a gist that since the People didn’t understand the
issue, we are to resume the motion hearing where we left off! Are you
kidding me???/!
The hypocritical double standard on that sort of stuff exposes the truth against any pretense that we are a nation of laws.
outrageous position the Courts here advance [although the more "liberal" courts in Texas, South Dakota, Arizona, etc., don't embrace the idiocy] is that our judges are
pretending that if a cop says you are “required” to submit to a chemical
test when you are arrested for drunk driving, then if you don't tell
him to pound sand and go to hell and take a swing at him, you will have
been deemed to have “consented” to the blood or urine test by your
non-resistance. Only in California does the polite accession to a cop
saying “you are required” translate to “consent,” translate to
volitionality, translate to an exception to the warrant clause. [I can
imaging the robe-flapping hue and cry that would utter from the Third
Branch if a new rule of court came out saying that from here-on-out
judges had to take a urine test before they ascended to the bench every
claim to be apolitical, but in reality there is no branch of government
more political than the judiciary, somewhat because their self-ordained
aloofness invites them to rationalize not responding to criticism or
not explaining their actions [except, of course, in chambers to their
cop and DA pals]; they simply proclaim they are apolitical, and the
lemmings of the legal world salute and intone “Yes, Your Honor.” You
really think that Bush v. Gore, or Korematsu, or Dred Scott or Plessy
were not driven by politics, both of the times and of the people
writing the opinions? If you do, I have a suspension bridge for sale in
Joshua Tree, real cheap – suspension of disbelief!
organized regional Bars are always holding “judges appreciation
nights,” where attorneys invite judges for free food and drink and then
gushingly praise them for the quality of their service, those same
attorneys will quietly bitch and moan about how they or their clients
got victimized by what they label as “ignorant” and “out-of-control”
judges. I never understood that inconsistent hypocrisy. I don't attend
judges' nights, because I cannot gush to those about whom I am
disgusted, and when I was on the board of a regional Bar, I blocked
holding it.
have some out and out punks on the bench, little different from street
thugs, and they are allowed to grow into that because they have
protected themselves from civil liability by court ruling and other
responsibilities by custom.
The court ruling that granted that counter-productive and odious and dangerous immunity, Stump v. Sparkman,
was in response to a lawsuit against a judge for ordering the illegal
sterilization of the female plaintiff; he had no power whatsoever to
order that non-noticed, ugly event. The accordingly childless victim
sued the judge for that patent and cruel violation of her rights, and
the Supreme Court came to the judge's rescue, agreeing that he had acted
illegally, but proclaiming that he could not be sued, because…, well,
he's one of us, the anointed black robers! They manufactured that
immunity right then and there.
course, the Framers, while discussing governmental immunity, did not
award it to judges, nor to the president, nor to CPS workers, nor
qualifiedly to cops, but only to members of congress in a narrow
setting. That being the case, they are presumed not to have intended
others in government to be immune. And they didn't. And they should
not be. And that was the lesson of The Declaration: all were to be equally accountable to the law!
Indeed, the claim in Sparkman
that judicial immunity had always existed, citing British Crown cases,
is a fraud. American judges in colonial times were always held civilly
and criminally responsible for their injurious missteps. The Crown
cases involved the issue of the absolute immunity of the King himself,
whose personal representatives the judges were. His representatives
were immune because he was, not because they were judges. It had nothing
to do with the “everyone is responsible” regime established here by the
default position in this Republic was to be of Liberty, and against
power, and the judiciary was assigned the role to protect those values.
And it increasingly does not; “endorsed by law enforcement” is still
the most cherished campaign boast a judge can make. And they will do
anything to be able to make that boast, at the next election, for which
they are constantly campaigning.
all of this mean there are no decent, good, honorable, bright, balanced,
properly motivated judges out there? No. Indeed, I am blessed to work
with some in Indio, one in Banning, a couple in Joshua Tree, a couple
in San Bernardino, one or two in Riverside, a couple in Rancho
Cucamonga, and maybe one or two in Murrieta. It means that the
judiciary, as an institution in this state [and many places across the Fruited
Plain], does not generally heed its intended calling of protecting the
little guy from the big guy [whether he be big government or big
business] as intended by the Framers, and there is no mechanism in place
to enlighten them to their role, nor would most of the sorts who seek
judgeships want to embrace it anyway.
far too many judges are DAs or cops in black robes [even the ones from
the public defenders' offices], which frequently results in, to an extent, juristic terrorism.
Chief Justice, why should we be eagerly talking up the quality and
greatness of the judiciary, when there is little in evidence? Please