Although I have written elsewhere about the drunk
driving exceptions to the Constitution and to various evidentiary and statutory
and customary norms, there is a growing evil in our courts on a critical drunk
driving issue, and liberty lies in the balance.
In 1966, the U.S. Supreme Court [SCOTUS] ruled, in
Schmerber v. California, that a
warrant is presumptively required for blood draws from people arrested for
drunk driving because the integrity of the human body is at least as inviolate
as a residence from a standpoint of governmental invasion, and warrants are
presumptively required for searches of residences. Of course, proven exigencies could excuse the
warrant requirement for chemical testing of the human body just as in
residential searches, but the urged evanescence of alcohol in the human blood
stream did not suffice as that warrant-detouring exigency.
Because of the drunk driving exception to the
Constitution, however, many states, including California, pretended that Schmerber didn’t say what it said, and
they started flouting SCOTUS’s
constitutional rules on the point, not unlike the “Jim Crow” judges of the old
South who flouted equal protection rulings.
Fast forward to 2013, and SCOTUS reiterated the Schmerber rule in a new case, Missouri v. McNeely, reminding all that
a warrant is presumptively required for those invasive searches [which in the interim SCOTUS held includes breath and
urine testing].
California [and a couple of other jurisdictions]
feigned surprise: “Whaaat? – we thought that evanescence alone justified the
invasion, which is why we have warrantlessly done so for 40 years!” The law was clear then, and clear now, as is
the hypocrisy of the California Courts on the subject matter. They take their hypocrisy a step further:
“And because we thought it was ok, don’t punish our poor policemen by
suppressing the fruits of their 47 year old illegalities, because they didn’t
know. Honest!” Wonderful, ignorance of the law is a defense
for law enforcers and for law adjudicators, but not for the folks on the
One of the biggest devices the courts are
employing to detour the clear warrant rule is the state statutory,
administrative oxymoron “implied consent.”
You see, the fiction is manufactured, from whole cloth, that motorists
are deemed to have given their “consent” to chemical testing by the virtue of
obtaining a driver’s license or of driving on the public roads. Huh?
“Deemed”? Yep.
The problem for an honest government would be that
state statutory rules do not define federal constitutional rights. Moreover, something that is “deemed” is not
the product of arms length’s agreements, required in true consent matters. And McNeely
said there will be no per se detours
around the warrant clause, and applying “implied consent” across the board as
that detour is a per se rule, which
SCOTUS forbids.
It is notable that Missouri has the same implied
consent statute we do, but the SCOTUS plurality merely nodded in its direction,
not giving it any weight, while writing on for many pages about the warrant
requirement. Many want to urge that it was because the defendant refused in McNeely that the opinion needed to be
written, but (a) if you are deemed, in the past tense, to have done something,
you cannot undo it in the present tense, and (b) SCOTUS did not hold that the
refusal was a revocation of Fourth Amendment consent in that case. Why?
Because everyone knows that “implied consent” is not Fourth Amendment
does not hold that a warrant is required only if one refuses; it holds that a
warrant is required, absent established justification otherwise, established by
It should also be noted, as does one of the many
helpful Texas cases, that the “implied consent” language nowhere provides that
a warrantless extraction is permitted.
Nor could it, since SCOTUS decides federal constitutional law, not state
legislatures [as the “Jim Crow” judicial tyrants finally found out]. Then too, the limited “implied consent” nod
in McNeely was not joined in by the
majority of the court anyway.
One of the great ironies in this discussion is
that the courts of the Death Penalty Capital of the World, Texas, fully
understand that “implied consent” is not Fourth Amendment consent. Texas, Colorado, South Dakota, and other
places have sided with liberty in this liberty vs power debate, understanding
that SCOTUS has held that warrants are required, and that state statutory
doctrines cannot eviscerate that. Texas
in particular did not like the McNeely
rule, but when their implied consent appeals case was remanded by SCOTUS to
reconsider in the wake of McNeely,
the state courts saluted and have deferred, requiring warrants for drunk
driving blood extractions, and suppressing evidence where none have been
Our state, however, is quite, quite different on
the liberty debate. I just got a ruling
against me on a clear McNeely matter
based on a Maryland federal district court ruling that they dredged up. They had to leap over clear appellate rulings
in Texas, Colorado, and elsewhere favoring individuals to scratch around and find
that non-precedental trial court ruling [not even an appeals case!] to steal my
client’s liberty! That is obscene! And worse.
Courts are not supposed to decide in advance what they
want their destination to be and then search around until they can find
authority that appears to support that that pre-ordained destination! Result-orientedness has no place in the hall
of justice.
Because of this state thumbing its nose at SCOTUS
for 47 years, in many of the opinions and motions they are allowing the cops to
invoke the “good faith” exception [always in quotes because they know it is
not!], which the Nixon justices-led SCOTUS from the ‘70’s claims has the “sole
ground” of deterrence and of educating the cops. Excludability of fetid evidence was not part
of the Fourth Amendment but merely an appendage manufactured by the Court, goes
the story. That is utterly fallacious.
The early Courts understood that the Fourth
Amendment was so inviolate and protective of people’s liberties and security
that cases could be dismissed, habeas
could issue, evidence could be excluded, government agents could be arrested
and sued, and judges could be sued for allowing its violation. There was no manufactured “rule,” nor one
with a “sole ground” of taking care of cops.
Violating the Fourth Amendment was the same as violating the 5th,
6th, or due process clauses: the fruits could not come into the
courts, due to the imperative of judicial integrity. SCOTUS has deftly eliminated habeas, case dismissal, suing the
judges, arresting the cops, and have granted limited immunity from suit to
their cops for Fourth Amendment violations.
While we pretend to be advancing liberty for peoples elsewhere in the
world, we have slowly ratcheted down liberty for our own people.
Justice Alito’s latest proclamation that the
“rule” was “created” by the court with that “sole ground” should invite
protestations beginning with “Liar, liar, pants on fire!,” but it has not.
The general ignorance of the public, and of legal
practitioners, of the constitutional history and theorems of this Republic is
allowing courts to make outlandish constitutional claims with impunity, and
those claims are always in the direction favoring power and against liberty.
The tyrannies and terrorisms we see thousands of
miles across the seas, in foreign lands, are nowhere nearly the threat to us as
are the tyrannies and terrorisms practiced on us by our own government, especially
the courts, and our silence allows it to grow and metastasize until the organism
is consumed.
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